Meet Our Team

The founder of CWP, Lisa is our Head Crafter and Head Face Painter. She teaches Art and Craft classes and private lessons and designs and creates the artwork in the shop. She is a crochet addict, a strong tea drinker and big animal lover. Lisa has a BA Degree (Hons) in Fine Art Painting and Drawing, and considers herself a multi passionate creative. She has a backgeround in education working with adults and children and feels strongly about creativity as an amazing self care tool for mental health and wellbeing.

Multi talented Tess is one of our lovely Events Assistants providing you with all the glitter and paint tattoos! She is a talented trainee facepainter and admin warrior! Tess makes her own beautiful cards, crochets lots of amigurami cuteness and does stunning brush lettering. She has a background in education and working with children and young people.

Sabrina is an awesome Events Assistant who always brings a big smile and a friendly chat to our customers. She has an ability to know what Lisa needs before she even knows it herself! Sabrina is a keen facepaint trainee and ice skater. She has a background working with children and young people.